We offer a VERY wide selection of Palms, Woody Ornamentals, Trees, Shrubs, Annuals/ Flowering Plants, Grasses etc. Some examples of the Palms that we carry are:
Canary, Foxtail, Queens, Chinese, Pindos, Mule Palms, Sabal Palms, Pindos, Silversaw, Windmills, Euros, Nitida, Copernicia etc. We carry 7G,15G, 30G, 45G, Larger Field grown BNB (Balled and Burlap)
Please see the photos for some examples and contact us for any specific requests! We can get you something even if we might not have it on hand at our nursery.
Our Products Include



Grasses etc.

Lots of Assortments



Tall Sabal Palms!

Lots of Palms!

Weed Mat

Steel Edging

Top Soil

Marking Paint Spray Cans

Lodge Poles